Farmers Market

Callaway's farmers market open March through October

Come visit Callaway's and explore our farmers market. You will find the best Tomatoes in town, a great selection of fresh produce, Unprocessed local honey and our private label jellies and jams.

We also have a huge selection of pumpkins in the Fall.

Year Round Goodies!

Callaway's farmer market carries our honey, jellies and jams all year along with fresh frozen vegetables. Fresh frozen vegetables are flash frozen and do not have to be blanched. This keeps the flavor and the nutrients intact.

Jams, Jellies, Pickles, Juices, and Honey are available for purchase online.

What we offer at our Farmers Market:
Local Vegetables, Fresh Vegetables, Squash, Okra, Eggplant, Watermelon, Seedless Watermelon, Cucumber, Plum, Corn, Lemons, Limes, Onion, Apples, Oranges, Peaches, Pumpkins, Louisiana Strawberries, Strawberries, Avocado, Cantaloupe, Orange, Navel Orange, Peanuts, Dry Peanuts, Green Peanuts, Boiled Peanuts, Red Pear, Banana Pepper, Cayenne Pepper, Green Bell Pepper, Jalapeno Pepper, Orange Bell Pepper, Yellow Bell Pepper, Bell Pepper, Peppers, Tomatoes, Cherry Tomato, Green Tomato, Spaghetti Squash, Yellow Squash, Fancy Squash, Zucchini Squash, Gold Potato, Red Potato , Sweet Potato, Baking Potato, Raw Peanuts, Pear, Green Pear, Red Onion, White Onion, Yellow Onion, Vidalia Onion, Sweet Onion.