- Set out shrubs and trees.
- Divide violets, Shasta daisies, liriope, ajuga, mums and other perennials.
- Plant okra, melons, peas, corn, beans, eggplant, cucumbers, and tomatoes.
- As frost danger passes, set out summer annuals, including ageratum, alyssum, begonias, geraniums, dianthus, celosia, marigolds, moss rose, impatiens, and coleus.
- Plant summer-fall blooming bulbs - calla, canna, dahlia, gladiola, gloriosa lilies, etc.
- Purchase azaleas that are already blooming to ensure color.
- Fertilize vegetables when planting.
- Fertilize shrubs if not finsihed in March.
- Prune azaleas, other spring-flowering shrubs after blooming.
- Disbud roses and peonies for specimen flowers.
- Plant, repair or get new outdoor furniture or other hardscapes (bird baths, bird houses, mailboxes, decks, etc.)

What's Blooming in April?
Encore azaleas, blueberries, fring trees, blackberies, pyracanthus, hawtorns, pittosporum, Japanese snowball, pieris, cliftonia, ginkgos, deutzia, sweetshrubs, sweetspires, cotoneasters, oakleaf hydrangeas, roses, spirea, rhodedendrons, and ninebarks
Ajuga, alyssum, bleeding hearts, candytuffs, columbines, daffodils, daisies, day lilies, forget me nots, lilies of the valley, pansies, phlox, primroses, Jacob's ladder, ranunculus, shooting star, Sweet William, thrift, tulips, vincas, and violets.

What's Fruiting in April?
Maples, leatherleaf mahonias, Chinese hollies, nandinas (blueberries in South Mississippi)